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Church Boards

One Faith. One Focus.


Working together the seven boards of Immanuel Lutheran Church share the church's common mission of reaching out in love to those who have not yet responded to the Gospel that all may be united in Christ.

While each board has individual purpose and responsibilities, the over-riding effort toward bringing non-believers into a personal relationship with Christ is our goal.


Parish Ministry - Serving the ministry

The Board of Parish Ministries is responsible for the public ministry of the congregation. This board oversees the worship schedule and is responsible for the music ministry, and the operation of the Sunday School, Adult Classes, Vacation Bible school, and other bible studies. This board also has custody of the sacred vessels, altar furnishings, vestments and supplies and they serve as ushers and recruit others to act as ushers with them.   The board consists of six men and is chaired by an Elder elected by the voting members. The board meets monthly to discuss matters pertaining to the public worship of the congregation.

Evangelism - Spreading the word

The Board of Evangelism is responsible for providing an evangelism outreach program within the church and the community. They make every effort to contact visitors as well as referrals from members and other boards. They carry the Word of God to the un-churched in our parish area. They cooperate in District and Synod sponsored programs which concern the work of Evangelism. They provide resources and training in order to equip the members of the congregation for personal witness. They are responsible for the effective inclusion of new members and non-members in the life of the congregation. They support the Board of Elders in the area of community relations and outreach identifying the congregation with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Board of Evangelism coordinates the Welcome Center Greeters for Sunday worship services and provides visitor information packages.

They oversee the Communications Committee of Immanuel Lutheran Church. Organizations may seek help from the Communications Committee to develop brochures or assist with other marketing ideas. The Web Page Team is a group of people that the board also oversees.

Stewardship - Sharing and caring

The Board of Christian Stewardship conducts an intensive program annually to confront every member with basic Biblical stewardship principles. They encourage the Gospel-motivated practice of joyous, worshipful giving of first fruits out of blessings. They annually give all members an opportunity to make a commitment of their treasures for the work of the Kingdom through the congregation. They are responsible for effective utilization of time and talents of the members of the congregation. They are responsible for apprising the congregation of its missions obligations locally and in the Church at large.

Trustees - Keeping the church running

The Board of Trustees is responsible for all the properties of the church which include the Church building, the new school where grades K-8 are taught, the old school where the Pre-school/nursery school children are taught, the Parish Center, and a two family house. The board recommends and oversees what maintenance and improvements are needed to the property. They purchase equipment that is used to maintain the buildings and property.

The board also hires the custodians and supervises their work. They coordinate and work with members of the congregation on volunteer work projects.

When a Building Committee is formed within the congregation the Trustees become members of the committee.

Currently a board member serves on the Capital Improvement Committee. Bids for special projects to enhance the property are gathered by the Trustees and are forwarded to this committee.

Finance - Keeper of the books

The Board of Finance is responsible for the proper management of the financial affairs of the congregation. They prepare and recommend salary schedules in cooperation with authorized boards having jurisdiction. They prepare a budget of the congregation and present it at a voters meeting. To prepare this budget they meet with the boards and officers of the congregation and review the budget proposals that each board submits. They also do long range financial planning for the congregation. The Board of Finance also provides the Financial Secretary with adequate assistance for counting and checking monies received.

Education - Growing with our Children

The Board of Christian Education is responsible for developing and overseeing the ministries of the school to assure that the education and care provided is Christian, of high quality, and in accordance with the confessional standards, goals, and policies of the congregation. They assist conscientiously in maintaining and increasing within the congregation and community the proper esteem of Christian education of the Lutheran school by: soliciting pupils for the Christian day school and/or Sunday school, encouraging parents to stress the importance of Christian education for their children, and fostering a proper relationship between parents and teachers and the personnel of the various educational agencies.

Youth - Sharing experiences together

Board of Youth Ministries is responsible for the Christian nurture and development of the youth. They encourage youth up to 18 years old to participate in worship and youth events. They plan, publicize, and coordinate spiritual and recreational activities of the youth of the congregation and encourage participation of the youth from the community. They develop yearly goals and meet with parents to enlist their support and hear their concerns. They develop a group of adult volunteers to support the youth of the congregation and the youth ministry. They also encourage and develop youth involvement’s in the community and promote careers in the ministries of the Lutheran Church.



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