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Get Involved

Volunteer at Immanuel Lutheran Church!


Looking through the announcements on any given Sunday and you'll see one opportunity after another to volunteer and get involved in church, school and community activities.

If you have the time to get more involved, please keep an eye out for opportunities that interest you.  If you don't know quite where to lend a hand, call the church office and someone there will help with some suggestions and point you in the right direction.

Here's just a few ideas you might be interested in where helping hands are always needed:

Home Visitation. Become a spiritual friend to someone who is unable to attend church.


Altar Guild. Be one of the ladies that tend to our beautiful church altar.

Quilters.  The quilts that are hand-crafted by our dedicated quilters have become beloved gifts to the needy all around the world. (Sewing skills are not required!)

Hot Lunch. Helping hands are always needed to help keep our school hot lunch program in place for Immanuel Lutheran School students.

Vacation Bible School. Be a part of our successful annual VBS program this Summer.  You'll have a blast!

Coffee Hour. Join others in fellowship between services by helping with the weekly coffee hour setup.


Stay in touch with upcoming volunteer opportunities featured throughout this website and on our online calendar - we welcome your participation!

Church & School Calendar

Stay up-to-date on all church and school events, services, meetings and more... View online calendar now >>

Helping Ministry

Immanuel gives back directly into the Bristol community with many gifts. Read more about it! >>

School PTO

If you are a parent and would like to offer your time for planning and working on events and fundraisers for the school, contact us today >>

Youth Programs

Are you an adult who likes to work with school and church youth? Are you a kid looking to get involved in our youth program? Contact us today to learn how to get involved>>